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rose bud 玫瑰的骨朵;〔美俗〕初次出入社交場所的少女。

rose campion

On supreme master ching hai day , fellow practitioners in panama met for group meditation before celebrating the occasion , and placed two vases of yellow rose buds in front of master s photos in the meditation hall . when the meditation session was over and the lights came on , amazingly , all of the buds had blossomed 共修前,同修們將含苞待放的黃色玫瑰花插在花瓶里,供養在師父法相前,當共修結束大殿的電燈亮起時,所有的玫瑰花竟然全都盛開了!

Pink roses : pink roses suggest joy , grace , and poetic romance . a dazzling concoction of delightfully blossomed light pink rose buds adds style and elegance to any setting 粉玫瑰:代表歡樂、典雅以及詩般浪漫感覺。令人賞心悅目的淺粉玫瑰花蕾不論置于何地都能增添些格調和高雅。

Rose bud has a satisfying , apple like aroma and flavor . rose bud consumed as tea is being used widely for beauty and health 玫瑰花含有300多種化學成分,如槲皮代含香精的脂肪油有機酸等有益美容的物質,還有人體需要的18種氨基酸和微量元素。

In china , rose buds have been used as a traditional herb for years to help calm and relax your moods 在工作和生活壓力越來越大的今天,即使不是月經期,也可以多喝點玫瑰花,安撫穩定情緒。

Julie : i ' ve made millions of plans i can have towards this wallpaper . and i ' m always waiting for those rose buds to open 朱麗:望著墻紙我設想過許多,我老是等待著那些玫瑰花蕾開放。

Rose bud is also beneficial to heart and brain and good for colds , coughs and kidney complaints 女性在月經前或月經期間常會有些情緒上的煩躁,喝點玫瑰花可以起到調節作用。

A red rose bud stands for budding desire , an open white rose asks “ will you love me ? 一朵紅玫瑰花蕾代表萌發中的情欲;一枝盛開的白玫瑰則是在探問: “你會愛我嗎? ”

In 2005 , we will obtain certification for the rainbow edible rose bud and market it nationally 2005年,本公司先將有機食用玫瑰干花蕾申報為有機食品,并投入市場。

A red rose bud stands for budding desive ; an open while rose askes : “ will you love me ? 一朵紅玫瑰花蕾代表萌發中的情欲;一枝盛開的白玫瑰則在探問: ' “你會愛我嗎?

My taste buds look something like microscopic rose buds . 我的味蕾在顯微鏡下有點象玫瑰花蕾。